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Torpedo and Anti-Submarine Branch



Anyone got a group picture of the TAS Department?

The jobs carried out by the TAS Department have ranged from cutting the cables of a burning liner, with an explosion that woke most of the inhabitants of the local town, to lowering strange instruments over the side in the Arctic.

"Bill and Ben" apart from dazzling many people with their hats, have been responsible for nigh on 20,000 lbs. of HE going into the water, and the Mighty Mouse below has squeaked at least 40,000 times, deafening submarines of six different nationalities from Nautilus down.

Two members of the TAS Department have explored some of the lesser-known rivers in British Honduras, and the number of VIPs who have been shown around Sonar Stoner's domain are countless.

Taken all in all it has been an interesting commission for the TAS world, and we have I think shown our paces well from Esquimalt to Valparaiso, and Naples to Acapulco.

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